Serve Team
Start Serving Today!
You’ve probably met some of our Serve Team members. They are the volunteers that park cars, greet visitors, create a fun learning environment for our kids, and so much more. Together they make Lighthouse Church a great place to be. Nothing beats seeing God work in and through each volunteer as they make a difference in someone’s life.
Serve Teams
LHKids Team*
LHYouth Team*
Nursery Team*
Audio/Media Team
Online Team
Worship Team
Greeter Team
Welcome Center Team
Hospitality Team
Usher Team
Parking Lot Team
Security Team*
Van Driver Team
*Indicates a background check or certain documentation must be completed prior to serving on this team

Hospital Care Team
Funeral Team
Church Office Team
Missions Team
Lakeview Elementary Team
Intercessory Prayer Team
Special Events Team
Stage Team
Kitchen Team
Building Restoration Team*
Oasis Team*
Ladies' Ministry Team*
Men’s Ministry Team*
*Indicates certain age/gender/skillsets to participate in these opportunities